Project Information

Completed 2015

Size: 22,000 SF

Year Originally Constructed: 1910

Designed by
Bertram Goodhue 

Historic Designation: Listed on the National Register of Historic Places as an NHL


United States Military Academy

In 2014, renovations began on the chapel, which included a large-scale masonry restoration project. The interior and exterior masonry was cleaned, repointed and selective repairs completed. HBA assisted with the design and coordination of the interior protection of the chapel to ensure that the pipe organ, fixtures and furnishings remained undamaged. A catalogue of all interior fixtures and furnishings was completed. HBA prepared mortar analysis and replication in their material conservation laboratory and conducted on-site cleaning tests to identify the most effective cleaning methods and procedures that both cleaned and preserved the masonry.  

HBA is familiar with the complex logistics of renovating federally owned and occupied buildings and has worked closely with the United States Military Academy, the US Army Corps of Engineers, and the contractor to monitor work for quality control.